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According to the insurance Research Council, injury victims who hire personal injury lawyers get 350% more in compensation than those injured persons who do not hire a lawyer.
Of all injury cases that insurance companies do settle, 85% of these claims are comprised of people that are represented by injury lawyers.
We offer a 100% guarantee: if we don't win your personal injury case, you pay us nothing in fees. Our injured clients know that putting your faith in The G Law Group pays off.
If you have ever felt like you weren’t told the truth or were treated unfairly by a business, you are not alone. Often, when a business uses false or deceptive marketing practices, unfair labeling practices or simply lies about its products or services, there is more than one person who has been negatively affected. That is why our legal system created the class action lawsuit. Class actions are an opportunity for wrongs committed against multiple people to be righted in one single lawsuit.
If you have questions about opting into a class action lawsuit or becoming a class representative, or you are unsure about whether you have grounds to file a class action, we encourage you to speak with one of our top-rated class action lawyers at the G Law Group, P.A. Just fill out a contact form or you can reach us at (305) 709-8877. The initial consultation is free and kept strictly confidential.
What Is a Class Action Lawsuit?
Instead of just one plaintiff filing an individual lawsuit against a big corporation, class actions allow people harmed by the same company to come together and, using their strength in numbers, file a lawsuit. Class actions are generally filed for claims such as defective products, environmental disasters, employee discrimination, and other unlawful business practices.
A lead plaintiff (or plaintiffs) will file a lawsuit on behalf of everyone in the group. There is no limit to how many people can join a class action lawsuit, as long as they have the same grievance with the same defendant.
How Can a Class Action Lawsuit Help Me?
Class actions streamline the legal process, making the lawsuit more efficient than if individual plaintiffs went to trial.
The cost of the lawsuit is spread out among the plaintiffs. There are no lawyer fees paid upfront, and if the case is successful, the attorney is paid out of the recoveries. In some cases, the defendant is required to pay the attorneys’ fees for the plaintiffs.
In each class action, the members of the class are represented by class representatives, one or more people who serve as the public face of the class action. The class representative plays an active role in the case and acts as the voice for the entire group. This allows the other class members to play a passive role in the case and wait for the outcome of the proceedings.
Class action lawsuits are especially beneficial in cases where the damages are minor, and the cost of hiring a lawyer and going to court individually would be too high. Through a class action, you can hold an unscrupulous company accountable, get justice, receive a uniform judgment, and obtain compensation with your fellow class members.
Ultimately, a class action involves one lawsuit, one court, and a single decision. This makes getting justice much more attainable and far less stressful for people who would normally not have the resources or time to file an individual lawsuit against a large company that has wronged them.
How Do I Start My Own Class Action Lawsuit?
If you believe that you have been hurt, physically or financially, or you have suffered a loss that you think may be common to other people, you may have the beginnings of a class-action lawsuit.
While anyone can start a class-action lawsuit, it is crucial to talk to a skilled class action lawsuit lawyer if you wish to do so. Class-action lawsuits can be very complicated. An experienced class action lawsuit lawyer will help you determine if you have the basis for a class action by reviewing the four prerequisites with you:
Numerosity- there are so many people affected in the same way that it would be impossible for them to file individually or join their individual cases.
Commonality - the factual and legal issues must be common to all of the people who would be involved in a class-action lawsuit.
Typicality - one individual (perhaps you) has a case that is similar or typical to the claims of all the other individuals in the case
Adequate Representation - that one individual can fairly represent the interests of all the individuals involved in the case.
Our top-rated class-action lawsuit lawyers at the G Law Group, P.A. will help you determine other important information you should know before starting a class-action lawsuit. They will go over whether the potential reward is large enough to justify a class-action lawsuit, what the resources of the defendant in a class-action lawsuit are, and whether your claims qualify for class status.
Who Qualifies to be a Representative in a Class Action Lawsuit?
Individuals who have been subject to damages from defective products, employment or wage violations, invasions of privacy, medication side effects, or financial fraud can all potentially qualify to be a class representative. All that is required is legal capacity and claims common to the rest of the class. Some examples of class actions are:
Deceptive or Unfair Trade Practices Actions: Such lawsuits typically involve businesses engaging consumers through trade or commerce in a deceptive or unfair way, such as false advertising, bait-n-switch representations, and selling products or services to the consuming public that do not perform as advertised.
Product Liability Actions: Product Liability class action lawsuits are generally brought when a defective product, such as a drug with harmful or hidden side effects, has damaged a class of people in the same way.
Consumer Class Actions: Consumer class actions are generally brought when consumers are injured by a company’s systematic and illegal practices. Examples include illegal charges on bills, unlawful bank charges or ATM fees, improper penalties for late-payments, bait and switch schemes, unlawful debt collection, and failure to comply with consumer protection laws.
Employment Class Actions: Employment class action lawsuits are typically brought on behalf of employees of a company for violations of the labor and employment laws, such as unpaid overtime, insufficient compensation for tipped employees, child labor, or failure to provide breaks, as well as claims ranging from safety violations to systematic workplace discrimination.

A class-action lawsuit can arise from any number of circumstances. All that is required for a class action lawsuit is a large number of people being harmed due to somebody else’s actions, and a single plaintiff and lawyer willing to take the lead in the case.
How Many People Are Needed for a Class Action?
While there is no specific number necessary to file a class action lawsuit, too few participants may keep the courts from certifying a class, according to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Ideally, enough members would band together to create a court-certified class action lawsuit.
Do Class Action Lawsuits Work?
Yes, class action lawsuits work. Plaintiffs in class action lawsuits may be able to recover compensation for damages suffered, without putting in all the time, money, or effort required to file an individual lawsuit. Compensation and settlements recovered by class action lawsuits may range from thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars.
The benefits of joining a class action are several:
You won’t have to worry about finding an attorney to represent you individually (unless you want to).
You won’t have to worry about taking time off from work to participate in litigation.
Your interests will be as protected as much as those of the class representatives.
You will be notified in writing of the status of the case, without you having to reach out for information.
A large number of claims can be resolved all at once.

What Qualifies for a Class Action Lawsuit?
According to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) Rule 23, there are a few attributes that can let you know what qualifies for a class action lawsuit:
Suing individually would make it difficult to hold the responsible party accountable.
Suing individually would not protect the plaintiffs’ rights or interests.
There are too many plaintiffs to make suing individually practical.
One or more parties’ experiences are representative of the class.
If you experience harm from a defective product, discriminatory action, improper charge, or unlawful business practice, and you discover you are not alone, you may qualify for a class action lawsuit. This type of lawsuit is so named because one group, or class, joins efforts to hold the same defendant accountable for their wrongful conduct.
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What Happens if You Win a Class Action Lawsuit?
Many class action lawsuits never go to trial. Once a case has been certified as a class action lawsuit and may involve hundreds or thousands of consumers, many companies find the stakes to be too high to allow the case to continue to trial and would rather settle out of court.
If a settlement agreement is reached, the court must approve it and apportion how the funds will be distributed amongst the plaintiffs. Generally, the named or lead plaintiff in a suit may be entitled to an extra portion of the funds, due to the additional time and energy expended by them in the pursuit of the class action. Attorneys' fees incurred in reaching the settlement will typically be paid by the defendant, and approved by the court.
Connecting with an experienced class-action lawyer to review your case and determine whether you qualify to file or join a class action lawsuit may be the first step towards recovering compensation for damages you have suffered.
How can we help?
If you are uncertain whether you are eligible to join a class-action lawsuit, you can check databases of open class action lawsuits, or speak with one of our top-rated class action attorneys. We can inform you of any class action lawsuits that you may qualify for and what your rights are to compensation.
Our top-rated class action attorneys have the resources and experience to help pursue your case until final resolution. Speak with one of our skilled class action attorneys today by calling (305) 709-8877 or submit the form below for a free case evaluation. We don’t want you to worry about paying for an attorney when you may not know if you have a valid class action case. That’s why we offer legal representation with no money down and no fee unless we obtain compensation for your class action.